Process for voluntary freezing/ blocking the online access of the trading account on account of suspicious activities:

If you notice any suspicious activity in your trading account, a request to voluntarily freeze / block the online access to your trading account can be made by sending an email to from your registered email address quoting your Trading account details (i.e., UCC, PAN and Name) or through a call on 022-66423606.

The timelines for freezing/ blocking trading account will be as follows:

Scenario Timelines for issuing acknowledgment as well as freezing/ blocking of the online access of the Trading account
Request received during the trading hours1 and within 15 mins before start of trading. Within 15 Mins
Request received after the trading hours and 15 min before the start of trading. Before the start of next trading session
1 Trading hours shall be as follows: Capital Market Segment: 9.15 am to 3.30 pm.

Post freezing / blocking online access of the Trading account, a communication will be sent to your registered mobile number/email ID, stating that online access to the Trading account has been frozen / blocked and all the pending orders, if any, have been cancelled.

Further, the request to unfreeze/unblock the online access of the trading account can be made by sending an email to quoting your account details (i.e., UCC, PAN and Name) from your registered email ID or through a call on 022-66423606 and the same will be processed at the earliest possible time.”

Link To Policy: Policy for providing the facility of voluntary freezing/ blocking the online access of the trading account to their clients on account of suspicious activities